472402 Bakeries - tea rooms

This type includes:

  • retail sale of bread, cakes, pastries and confectionery at units providing seated places where one can consume drinks

This type excludes:

  • activities of tea rooms (see 561001)
  • retail trade of bread, cakes and confectionery (see 472401)

bakery / tea-room; bakery products; breads; confectioneries

Codification rules

Priority in case of multiple activities

If production, repair and sales activities are carried out, the priority is as follows :

- if production and sale: production takes priority
- if production and repair: production takes priority
- if repair and sale: repair takes priority

Definition of retail trade (47)

Different selling methods:
- Specialised shop: certain type of selling NOGA: 472… - 477…
- Non-specialised shop: sale of a large range of products, NOGA: 471…
- Outside shop: on stalls, markets, internet, etc. NOGA: 478… - 479…

Food retail trade:
- NOGA 4711… Non-specialised food shops (supermarkets, etc.)
- NOGA 472… Specialised food shops
- NOGA 478100 Sale via stalls and markets
- NOGA 479100 Sale via mail order houses or via internet
- NOGA 479900 Sale via door-to-door salespersons or vending machines
- NOGA 01…. Farm products sold by the farmer
- NOGA 56…. to be consumed on-site


Definition of wholesale trade (46 et 45):
- Resale to another enterprise, to industrial and commercial users, to collectivities, to professional users or to wholesalers.

- - any transformation of products

Note that 479100 - mail order or internet sales is only to be used when the company sells all kinds of products (clothes, electronics, etc.) for retail trade.
If the company sells specific products (e.g. books only) the sales channel is no longer considered, but the product in the corresponding retail sector.

A wholesaler (NOGA 46) sells these goods to businesses. A retailer (NOGA 47) sells its products to the final consumer. If both activities are carried out without predominance, retail trade (47) takes precedence.

Bakeries, butchers and cheesemongers

If bakery:
107100: Produces and sells bread
4724…: If only sells bread without production
107100: If hesitation bread production

If butchers:
101…: If slaughterhouse and sale of meat
472200…: If cutting plant and sale of meat
472200…: If hesitation sale of meat

If cheesemongers:
01…: If alpine agricultural area, production and sale of cheese
105102…: Production and sale of cheese
472901…: If only sells cheese, without production
472901: If hesitation sale of cheese

Corresponding NOGA2002 codes